As some of you might have heard, I’ve accepted a promotion to the role of Editor, Manga Classics with my current company, UDON Entertainment. The change actually happened back in January and it’s a sign of how busy my new role is keeping me that I haven’t had a chance to post about it in the last four months. Phew!
My new responsibilities include overseeing production for our manga classics books, making sure the writing and art teams are staying on schedule, editing the English-language scripts, and writing a few of the adaptations as well! Plus travelling to conventions to promote the line, following up with press and reviewers, and a ton of other stuff.
Above is a sample of the display we had set up at the Texas Library Association conference two weeks ago – it was an awesome event and I was thrilled to meet so many educators and librarians who really get what we’re trying to accomplish with the books!
Whoot! Well deserved. Congratulations.